My Week with Marilyn, 2011
原来一直认为自己没有“最爱”的RPG,现在觉得Dragon Age Origins就是。
Billionaires buy movie studios to get laid. They buy hospitals to get respect.
And the reason you want respect?
To… get laid.
I bet you’d be as comfortable in one of these as you would in your own skin.
Philanthropy is the gateway to power.
Dogs are better than wives. Never a problem communicating.
Do what you want, do what you need. Don’t think about what you should. No time fot you to feel afraid of what’s coming.
You don’t risk jail and your career just to save somebody who doesn’t want to be saved unless you got something, anything, one thing.
The reason normal people got wives and kids and hobbies, whatever.That’s because they don’t got that one thing that hits them that hard and that true.
I got music, you got this.
The thing you think about all the time, the thing that keeps you south of normal. Yeah, makes us great, makes us the best.
All we miss out on is everything else.
It’s not apples and oranges, its right and wrong.
Just because you don’t know what you are doing doesn’t mean the rest of us are silly.
We’ve yet to step into Joel’s boots ourselves, but we can’t wait to try them on for size when The Last of Us is released sometime next year.
That it is so much more than just “Assassin’s Creed with the main guy jumping around in trees” shows that Ubisoft is really pushing the franchise forward and evolving the concept beyond the ideas we’ve seen in the last few iterations starring Ezio.
It’s still unclear how many of these events were scripted and inevitable, and how much flexibility there is to handle the mission as you see fit. Nor do we know how relevant all this personal information might be to a particular mission at hand. But what is certain is that Watch Dogs is one of the most intriguing games of E3 2012.
This complex dance lasts only a mere ten seconds, making it both breathtaking and satisfying.
If you can read that story and see any master plan – or any planning at all, for that matter – you’re more insightful than I am. The only thread that runs through it is that I did what I loved, even though most of the time it wasn’t what I was supposed to be doing and seemed counterproductive.
A game coder at Valve.
Just Dance 4的开场把这场新闻发布会弄得像个嬉皮演唱会似的,感觉UBI对E3 Press Conf的定位和Microsoft和SONY的定位完全不一样,UBI还请了个主持,完全没有其他公司的严肃,看来越小的公司越重视这场发布会。
然后第二款游戏,Far Cry 4,不想SONY上脑残的4人合作,这回是单人,更强调了画面与动作,没什么亮点但看来还投影靠谱的,之后是Blacklist和Avenger的预告片,终于迎来了第一个’大作‘,Will U上的Rayman Legend,质量还是很高,玩法也很多,但触屏玩游戏屏幕都被手指遮住了,这样真的好吗?倒是中间有段触屏玩家当音乐游戏玩,其他玩家当平台跳跃玩的桥段很有创意。
之后是一段抄袭《死亡岛》宣传片创意的僵尸游戏宣传片,还是Will U上的。
之后是一部快节奏的类CS游戏,shootmania,和一些小游戏。然后CEO终于上来了,带来的是UBI这辈子我觉得做得最帅的游戏Watch Dogs,类GTA世界,科幻系,顶级画面,各种玩法,唯一的缺点可能是玩法过多了,毕竟沙箱游戏都有这个毛病。
开场是Dead Space 3的宣传和双人合作试玩,Dead Space并没有继续走孤独的路线,虽然仍旧恐怖并且压抑,但这回主角爱爆粗口,能翻滚,跑得更快,敌人也有会开枪的人类了。制作组的创意仍在,这样的改变也在情理之中。
之后是轻松的橄榄球游戏和非常漂亮的Sim City,更干净的城市、摇来摇去的盖房子动画、数据视图、城市专精,漂亮的Trailer,明年二月一定要玩玩。完了之后还提了下Jason West,然后就是Battlefield 3…不知道Respawn的作何感想,DICE上来是宣传和Elite差不多的Premium,宣传片华丽丽的。
然后是StarWarOldRepublic,之后是MOHWarfighter,就像降质版的战地3单人模式。然后是EA Sports。终于NFS来了,画面UI都非常漂亮,而且和我最喜欢的极品飞车12模式很像,场景自由度更高,最好的极品飞车难道要来了?
开场的Halo4对我没什么吸引力,Don说了几句无聊的话下去后,第二款游戏UBI的SC: blacklist太帅了,秉承了《断罪》里丰富的动作,继续增强镜头的运用,是我见过最完美的动作射击游戏了,我开始后悔删了《断罪》了,好想在玩玩。
PS,断罪是UBI Montreal的,这个貌似是UBI Toronto
第三个出场的是EA sports的一些游戏,忽略,然后是为kinect宣传的fable: journey,感觉像是三流游戏的画面。之后是耍帅的gears of war: judgment,Forza;XBOX Live,XBOX SmartGlass:同步所有设备的行为,比如你的电视上在放电影,你的平板和手机就会知道,并同步信息,这个设计挺好的,甚至可以说很创新,问题是对用户门栏多高,他的宣传是说兼容Android和Apple设备的,这个比较神奇的时可以辅助在客厅电视里上网了,因为可以用平板和手机给电视当鼠标。
微软的发布会的发言全是假大空,老作品依旧犀利,新作全无,微软自己的东西就是那个SmartGlass挺有意思,但估计很少有人能用得到,微软自己的重点仍是XBOX Live和Kinect。这样的微软显得诚意有些不足,且让我再看索尼的发布会。
开场游戏室Quantic的BEYOND,Ellen Page主演,这游戏必然再次成为一个话题作品。
之后是脑残的Playstation All-Star Battle Royale。然后是卖得很好的《刺客信条3》,还要登陆PSVita,亮点是可以开船,刺客信条一惯的画面和优秀配乐让开船显得很帅,再加上那种控制老战船齐射大炮,还是很有魅力的。然后是Far Cry 3,4人合作,除了体现了游戏AI有多么脑残外没看出什么亮点。之后是WonderBook,PS3的一种面向儿童的图书互动技术,然后是PS Suite,PS Mobile,还和HTC合作了下。
最后压轴的是顽皮狗的The Last of US,充满废土风格的场景设计,高得惊人的AI,真实的动作,还有有意思的背包系统,一看便是神作啊。
P.S. 在tube上看E3结果把我gae的Outgoing Bandwidth, Incoming Bandwidth下满了..不得不新上传了个goagent。
From my childhood I love paper and notebook. I collected newspaper and those torn yellow paper. I think putting a lot of things down and filled them up would make me wise and knowledgeable. Now I still have 12 notebooks with me in my college. One for random notes, one for English words, one for English sentences, one for programming language notes, one for article cuts, one for reading notes, one for my thoughts on articles/music/games/movies, one for hand-draw site design, one for my review on others’ sites, one for my game design, and even one for my random game idea.
I hadn’t touched these notebooks since I got my laptop ( one notebook rules all ). I was thinking all these notebooks had been pulling my leg for 10 years maybe. They are not functioning at all now.
But then I remembered the good old days, when I was learning and satisfied everyday. May be it is me that is not functioning properly now.
Designer survival theory:
You look at your baby, I mean, your design. When you think it’s great, others would think it’s good; when you think it’s decent, others would think it’s so-so; when you think it could pass, others would think it’s poor; when you think there is only a few flaws in it, others would call it trash.
No! There is not a thin line between love and hate. There is, in fact, a Great Wall of China with armed sentries posted every 20 feet between love and hate.
It’s called a myoclonic jerk, it’s very common when you’re falling asleep. Respiration rate falls, and the brain interprets this as the body dying, so it sends a pulse to wake it up.