敏感就是想太多。这也是为什么她会在刚开始感情时突然对别人说句“ We’re not gonna make out or anything.”(还好男猪脚是个“低能”的人,这种人也很敏感,不介意,能理解),然后又说“I’m sorry. I just totally ruined that moment, didn’t I?”“I am so lame.”“I’m sorry. Forget I just said that.”“That was dumb.”,最后又用奇怪的方式岔开话题。
You know that point in your life when you realize the house you grew up in isn’t really your home anymore. All of a sudden, even though you have some place where you put your shit, that idea of home is gone.
You feel like you can never get it back. It’s like you feel homesick for a place that doesn’t even exist.
You’re in it right now.
I found my ex-best friend’s cuff links in my wife’s purse.
I couldn’t get an erection for a year and a half.
Girls who look like her do not fuck guys that look like him unless it’s for coke, money or fame.
I don’t want this guy taking you to, like, some sketchy quarry in the middle of nowhere to find, like, crack whores huffing turpentine or pit bulls raping each other or whatever it is you have us doing!
上学期看了X战警第一课,觉得还不错,就一时兴起下X战警全系列看。这电影在我硬盘里放了半年,终于无聊拿出来看了,作为X战警3部曲的最后一部,保持了X战警一贯的垃圾作风,和《海扁王》一样,通过一些小亮点来吸引观众。我印象最深的是金钢狼砍一个会自动长出双手的人,手砍掉了又长出来,最后一脚踹向他裆部,来了句“You grow those back.”…
In the church, they say to forgive.
Forgiveness is between them and God. It’s my job to arrange the meeting.
这部片子很有特点,作为一部绑匪片,他的枪战戏很少,但质量很高枪枪到肉,看这片我才发现拍枪战的精髓,不能有太多血,中枪后也不能乱晃,重点在于布料碎屑效果。这片子先开始花了很长时间来培养男主和萝莉间的感情,时间花的有些过分多,以至这片子有146分钟长,不过后面才知道导演为何如此,这是本片和其他绑匪片最大的不同,其他片子都是圆满结局,而这片子萝莉到半路就死了,直接挂了,然后我们的男主才on fire了,kill them all去了,然后就是各种用刑来体现男主的残酷,不过最后导演好像后悔了,萝莉最后又复活了(没死),虽然如此反复,在咱们以为萝莉死了的时间里,看男主的各种报复还是很过瘾的。