The Expanse S05, 2020

看完这部剧更加强烈的感受到了编剧不容易,想给这部剧续命太难了,以至于突然抛弃了外星人开始编人类恐怖分子的故事,在恐怖分子现身前,我还是挺enjoy的,多条线叙事和战斗特效都比前几季精彩,现身后就很俗套了。但这部剧有个让所有观众都感到意外的故事,就是Naomi那段,一下达到了电影大片的质量。看完网上的科普视频,才知道hard vacuum walk还真有点可能。★★★★☆

逃耻,惊奇队长,The Witness和其他

  • 逃避可耻但有用 加油人类!新春特别篇!!, 2021。看之前误以为会跟原来那个轻松惬意的逃耻差不多,但看着看着才发现这部片子被赋予了更沉重的东西,变成了一种”主旋律“电影。前半部分讨论社会工作压力和女性的问题,后半部分讨论新冠,逃耻的背景只是一个壳,其实关系不大。虽然释放一些正能能量是好的,但看完还是有些失落,故事进行到这,可能原来的逃耻再也回不来了吧。
  • WandaVision, 2021。我思来想去,也get不到这个创意有多好,而且片尾曲长度快跟正片有得一拼了,奇怪。和正经漫威电影比还有些小成本的感觉。★☆☆☆☆
  • Captain Marvel, 2019。虽然是漫威电影里评价比价差的一部,但我却格外喜欢,可能因为最近看多了压抑的片子和并不怎么好的WW84,这部片子显得格外优秀。很多人不喜欢这个主演,觉得很stiff,不知道为什么我特别喜欢stiff的。。看完才意识到原来她在End Game里出场如此之少。★★★★☆
  • Hollow Knight, 2017。2D版的魂系列,在制作组能驾驭的范围内,比较完美的还原的魂系列的精髓,但我个人不太喜欢这部作品艺术风格。
  • The Witness, 2016。当年indie game兴起的时候风头最劲的游戏之一,现在终于想起来玩了下,就像gameranx评价的,在特定的心境下玩,才能感受到这个游戏的魅力。我玩这个游戏的时候盯着游戏里的天空看了好几分钟,或许这就是只有这个游戏才能带来的神奇感觉。我实在佩服Jonathan Blow的胆量,估计他是第一个敢做这么大规模的游戏,却彻底抛弃剧情背景的设计师了。玩这个游戏才让我意识到我这个人其实很俗很浮躁,没有个假模假样的剧情,玩完游戏的欲望就没有了。这个游戏可能就是No BS的极致吧,如果吸引不到现在的玩家,只能留给后世玩家来赞美了。

非自然死亡, 2018




The Little Things, 2021


电影版的True Detective,喜欢丹叔的可以看一下,就是不知道丹叔做了什么牙科手术,笑的有些奇怪 : >

Resident Evil 2 Remake, 2019


RE2 PSN商店预告片提到有一家媒体评价这个游戏“Buttery-smooth”。简直再准确不过了。

从画质,武器手感,到剧情流程,没有一个不流畅的,所有细节都恰到好处,整个游戏给人一种强大成熟感,制作组well executed,感觉已经很多年没有见到这种完成度的游戏了,上一次让我觉得成熟到惊讶的游戏还是2009年阿克汉姆起源和现代战争2,最近几年见惯了欧美制作组那种拼命在画质或开放世界玩法上创新,最后收不了场的搞法,最后结果要么就是玩法有问题或重复,或者画质阉割,再或者就是一堆bug(Cyberpunk 2077的bugs还不算搞笑,一定要去搜搜Spider Man: Miles Morales的bug)。


最后说到剧情流程,昨天我刚刚决定把我断断续续玩了好久却一直没有打穿的Mafia 3和Mad Max删了,这些开放世界游戏一玩就是至少几十个小时,而RE2要是特别细致的玩,通关一次也绝不会超过10小时,很多速通高手一个小时就能跑完全程,但我就算原价买我也不会觉得心疼,而这些所谓的开放大作我花超过100块就会心疼不已。最近游戏界陷入一个怪圈,就是无脑开放世界,按游戏时长来论英雄,很多媒体还有很多玩家竟然都吃这套,最后导致只有开放世界游戏才能大卖,所有单机游戏都得改成这样的。这些开放世界不仅细节粗糙,而且从头到尾都在重复几乎一模一样的东西,相比之下还在坚持线性或创新玩法的游戏显得十分难能可贵,因为每一个细节都要打磨到位,不能简单用一张大地图糊弄玩家,RE2这种密室空间来回跑,就那么几个场景,但因为设计巧妙总有新鲜感,反而感觉比很多开放世界游戏都体验了更多的内容。


RE2 Ada kiss (生2的Ada比生4/6里的有趣多了)


RE2 Ada bye

最后说一些个人感受,虽然RE2如此优秀,但我不得不承认相较于开放世界或车枪球,她并不适合所有玩家,有些人会觉得这是世界上目前最好的游戏,但我不会这么觉得,就我个人而言场景过于阴暗了,玩起来有点累,有很多人觉得恰到好处,但我觉得有点影响我的体验。对于我而言Dead Space 2/3和Bioshock差不多是我能接受阴暗极限,生4有点不够阴暗,但RE2又有点过头了,最近看到RE7和RE: Village这些新作都是这个风格,我其实有些担心这会不会是一种矫枉过正。当然还有一种可能,如果RE2没有这么阴暗,可能也不会给我这么强烈的代入感了。


Star Wars, 2015-2019



The Wire S03 E07, 2004

I’ve had this feelin’ for a long time

and it’s like I’m standing outside myself,

watching me do things I don’t wanna do, you know?

—— Dennis

The Wire S01, 2002

★★★★★ 感觉好久没有看到过这么有品质的电视剧了,虽然里面全是黑话很难听懂,剪辑利落完全不留给观众思考或解释剧情的空间,但完全不会让你觉得枯燥或没有代入感,每一个角色都个性鲜明缺一不可,让你想慢慢看完巴尔的摩——这个仿佛另一个世界——里发生的悠长的故事。

The Mandalorian S01/S02, 2019/2020

★★★☆☆/★★★★☆ 同样是低龄,但这个每集都能带来点新鲜感,还有特别好听的主题曲。

WW84, 2020

★☆☆☆☆ 一定要这么低龄吗,这位导演同志您还要去导神奇女侠3吗。。

唯一让我感到快乐还是Pedro Pascal,在这部片子里基本就是不皱眉毛的小李子:

Pedro Pascal "Granted"


The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company, 2019

This is one of those books I couldn’t put down. It is additive partly because of the business gossip stories everybody enjoys, partly because (it confirms my hypothesis) there are indeed lots of simliarity in the challenges people face at work, regardless of the level, place and time.

I am surprised to find that me, being a small tech lead on the other side of the planet in the late 2010s, could share many similar experience and thinking as the CEO of a major media company in the world, who rised decades before I was born. I am sure anyone climbing the coporate ladder who reads the book would feel the same. How Iger handled all those challenges is a gem for us all. Reading this book, we can confirm what strategy could work, and get some advice when we are in doubt.

Here are just a few lessons I learned or confirmed from Iger’s story:

1. Priority

In my eagerness to demonstrate that I had a strategy for solving all of Disney’s problems and addressing all of the issues we were confronting, I hadn’t prioritized any of them.

You have to convey your priorities clearly and repeatedly. In my experience, it’s what separates great managers from the rest. … Inefficiency sets in, frustration builds up, morale sinks.

You can do a lot for the morale of the people around you (and therefore the people around them) just by taking the guesswork out of their day-to-day life.

Priority is often underrated because it is already in the good employee 101 book. When Iger writes about it while he is late in his career running for CEO, I can assure you it is not a new concept to him at that time. But people just took it granted.

It took 5 minutes in my career to learn priority is important. Maybe 5 days to learn some ways to prioritize things at work. But it took 5 years to realize what priority is about and the cost of it. It is not just about being smart or focused in allocating resource. It is about boldness and decisiveness. It is a bet that costs your ego and everybody’s money.

When you are busy enough, it is natural to fall into the trap of satisfying everyone, especially when you can still push for it. But making everyone happy only brings in a false sense of achievement. It does not bring good end result. It takes courage and confidence to say no to people or to yourself. You need to really give up something in exchange of a future you bet on. Being productive but greedy is often being mediocre.

2. Management

I have heard a lot of management methodologies in my career, many of which are contradicting each other. Now I am starting to believe that there is no such thing as management methodology. Management is the art of balance. The content is often changing and sometimes going in totally different directions under different scenarios.

Here is an excerpt of Iger on pressure management:

There’s no rule book for how to manage this kind of challenge, but in general, you have to try to recognize that when the stakes of a project are very high, there’s not much to be gained from putting additional pressure on the people working on it.

Projecting your anxiety onto your team is counterproductive.

It’s subtle, but there’s a difference between communicating that you share their stress—that you’re in it with them—and communicating that you need them to deliver in order to alleviate your stress.

It makes a lot sense, though I have also seen some managers doing the opposite and get things done.


What is Commonwealth

A commonwealth is a traditional English term for a political community founded for the common good.

Historically it has sometimes been synonymous with “republic”.

The noun “commonwealth”, meaning “public welfare general good or advantage”, dates from the 15th century.

Modern usage:

A title. It “does not describe or provide for any specific political status or relationship” in US.

  • 3 countries: Australia, Bahamas, Dominica
  • 4 US states: Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia
  • 2 unincoporated insular territories of US: Northern Mariana Islands and Puerto Rico.
  • A few international bodies: e.g. Commonwealth of Nations, an organization primarily of former territories of the British Empire, which is often referred to as simply “the Commonwealth”.




  • 特洛伊,雅典,斯巴达,希腊,罗马的关系



  • 美索不达米亚在哪里?


  • 小亚细亚在哪里?安纳托利亚在哪里?

    Asia Minor Peninsula。又称Anatolia 安纳托利亚半岛。大概就是今天的土耳其地区。传说中的特洛伊在小亚细亚西北岸和希腊隔着爱琴海。

  • 巴尔干在哪里?

    Balkans或Balkan Peninsula。意大利半岛东边、小亚细亚西边的半岛。从南到北主要包括了今天希腊,阿尔巴尼亚,北马其顿,保加利亚,科索沃,黑山,塞尔维亚,和波黑。

  • 伊比利亚在哪里?

    Iberia或Iberian Peninsula。大概就是今天的西班牙和葡萄牙。


Roman Army

In the end, all things must serve Rome.

Hoplites (early Roman republic, 578 BC - c. 315 BC)

  • Hoplite Hoplite

    Infantry with spears and shields. Often fight in phalanx formation. Originated from Ancient Greek city-states.

  • Equites Equites

    Almost the highest rank in the property-based classes of Rome, just below the senatorial class. They served as cavalry.

Manipular legion (mid Roman republic, 315-107 BC)

3 core heavy infantry types

  • Hastati Hastati

    First line. Poor or young men who could only afford modest armor. Originally wielding a hasta (spear). Later supplied with a gladius (short stabbing sword), a scutum (squared wooden shield), and one or two pila (throwing spear).

  • Principes Principes

    Second line. Wealthy men with decent armor. Same weapon as the hastati.

  • Triarii Triarii

    Third line. Old and wealthy men with high quality armor. Equipped with spears.

res ad triairos venit

In most battles triarii were not used because the lighter troops usually defeated the enemy before the triarii were committed to the battle. They were meant to be used as a decisive force in the battle, thus prompting the old Roman saying, ‘it comes down to the triarii’, which meant carrying on to the bitter end.

Support types

  • Velites Velites

    Front line light infantry and skirmisher. Youngest and poorest with no armor. Equipped with darts (javelin), a gladius and a parma (small wooden shield). Descended from earlier class of Leves.

  • Equites Equites

  • Rorarii Rorarii

    Final line reserve infantry. Usually the poorest with no much fighting capabilities.

  • Socii and Latini Socii and Latini

    Troop from allied states in Italy.

Manipular legion

A legion consisted of 10 maniples of 120 hastati, 10 maniples of 120 principes and 10 half strength maniples of triarii containing 60 men each. With 1,200 velites and 300 cavalrymen a legion numbered 4,500 men. However, in times of great need the number might be reinforced up to 5,000.

Marian legion (late Roman republic, 107-27 BC)

Roman consul Gaius Marius carried out a programme of reform known as Marian reforms. From seasoned conscripts to voluntary or professional army. All citizens were eligible into the legion now regardless of wealth or social class.

  • Legionary Legionary

    All classes of heavy infantry are formed into one homogeneous type.

  • Evocatus Evocatus

    Soldiers who had served out their time and obtained honorable discharges (honesta missio) but had voluntarily enlisted again at the invitation of the consul or other commander.

  • Auxilia: The roles of missile and cavalry support are fullfiled by non-citizen auxiliaries.

Marian legion

A legion consisted of 10 cohorts. A cohort composed of 480 soldiers. A cohort consisted of 6 centuriae each commanded by a centurion.

Each legion was partnered with an approximately equal number of auxiliae troops.

Imperial legions (Imperial Roman, 27 BC - 117 AD)

The structure remains the same. But more non-roman enter the legion and more professional armies.

  • Praetorian Guard Praetorian Guard

    A new type dedicated to the protection of the Emperor.

Star Wars, 1999-2005



Star Wars, 1977-1983

特地充值了Disney+完整学习一下Star Wars,不过不得不说剧情不是很有趣,那个死星被炸了又炸,实在是有点简单。


Total War Rome II Tips

How can I serve Rome?

Though it’s unlikely that I will play through the whole campaign again, I still want to write down these tips that I wish I knew earlier. Some of these are based on playing Rome in the Grand Campaign but the philosophy of playing any faction should be similar.

Provincial Management

  1. The way I played provincial management is the same as how I played Shogun 2. That is to maximize commerce while keeping the public order and food supply afloat. I don’t think slaves, industry, culture and even technology are that useful in this game.
  2. You can build duplicate buildings in the same province but not in the same region.
  3. For provinces with at least three ports or three regions, especially those with Wine resource, I built as many Market Colonias, Trading Ports and Shops as possible.
  4. Because the food supply applies at the factional level, so I dedicated provinces with only one port or only two regions to food supply. Build Forum Piscarium (Fishing Port) and Latifundiums (Farms) as many as possible.
  5. When playing Rome, I usually pick a few provinces with good local auxillary units to put all my military buildings. Build as many Basilica of Mars as possible. Also build corresponding Practice Fileds even though I don’t think it’s that useful.
  6. If you are playing Rome, pick provinces with good auxiliary units for military buildings, like Hellas with Cretan archers, Aquitania and Celtica with Noble Horse, Phazania with African Elephants (African forest elephant, smallest of the three elephant species on the planet.) and Numidian Cavalry (ranged Cav). Check out the auxiliary map.
  7. Forums can only be built in the provincial capital region and they are more powerful than other buildings, I always try to build them as many as possible. Circus is a must because it brings most public order and allows me to maximize tax rate.
  8. Besides Circus, Delicatessen/Taberna/Forum Cuppedinis is a top prioity to keep food abundant. Additional Latifundiums (Farms) in minor settlements are also needed. Exempt tax for high negative food supply province when your faction is low on food.
  9. Cattle Trader/Slaughterhouse/Forum Boarium provides a good commerce output and Library/Archives/Scriptorium helps with technology development. The rest Forums are really not that useful in my way of play.
  10. Basilica of Jupiter have all good buffs. It increases wealth from all sources, helps with public order, and boosts Tax Harvesting Edict. Build one or two in minor settlements. I decide not to build any other type of Basilica because it hurts my brain to do all the calculation and I don’t see anything amazing happens. I am happy with the Jupiter.
  11. Sanitation buildings are really not that useful to me. It brings little benefit.

Politics and Houses

  1. Use the generals from other houses to increase their loyalties. Personally I think avoiding civil war is much more important than those buffs from influence. But it really depends on your play style, if you like beating the hell out of other houses, only use your own generals.
  2. One way to manage loyalty is to engineer some deaths for those with bad traits and are becoming house leaders. Charge them alone to the enemy.
  3. Don’t hire idle politician for other houses. It increases their influence. Just make them generals or admirals and let them do transport or patrol work.
  4. Hire candidates from your house and arrange marriage for them as soon as possible.
  5. Household are not that important. Except for those with global benefits, I didn’t even bother to put them on.


  1. Dignitaries decrease army upkeep or increase provincial tax rate. In the late game I use them only for increasing loyalty from generals.
  2. Champions train your army or increase provincial public order. They also increase provincial loyalty when they have a certain high-rank skill. I usually put them in provinces controlled by other houses after they rank up just for the loyalty.
  3. I never choose skills upgrades other than those related to the usage above.
  4. Spies have many useful skills but I mostly use them for scouting.
  5. I seldom use agents to counter other agents or use skills on other factions, because it is often more trouble than joy to me.

Army and Fleet

  1. Faction income determines your armies and fleets size. Always keep an eye out on the income balance. I once recruited multiple full-sized armies and marched out, only to be sneaked attacked in the back at Rome and lose half of my income. I had to go through disarmament and cut down half of my military and fight back.
  2. House of Conelia has half auxiliary upkeep so it is very powerful especially in the early game when you are short on coins. The rest factions and houses are really not that different. At least not as different as the Civlization series.
  3. Units from your faction are cheap to keep while the mercenary is cheap to hire but has high upkeep. You can hire and fire them fast.
  4. In the late game when your army is far from home, mercenary is a must.
  5. Army and fleet traditions are really not that important. I usually go with the ones that bring immediate benefits like increase campaign movement range and plus public order, which may be considered useless to some people.
  6. Shockingly I beat the game without using any of the fancy siege units or engines except basic ladder, ram and tower.
  7. The general skills are a little bit complicated and didn’t really bring much benefits. You can actually pick whatever you want. Second wind and group inspire can be useful combat skills. Plus ranks for new recruits can also be useful. You can disband the general and raise the army again at the military provinces.

Combat Tactics

  1. Spear man has high defense and sword man has high attack. They are the core of the army. Think of them as walls. Always try to flank the others to keep the effective contact size as much as possible.
  2. Circle your archers and shoot your enemies in the back is very effective and causes less friendly fire, but is very dangerous to your archers. That’s why mounted missile units are handy.
  3. Sneak around and charge your cavalry to enemies missile units, or to flank melee units in the back.
  4. Generals can die very fast.
  5. Ships are very dumb when they are squeezed together. So keep some space.
  6. Melee ships are much more effective than missile and artillery ships to me.

Final Words

  1. The order of technology really does not matter that much. It all depends on your play style.
  2. Choosing skills for army/fleet/agents/generals can be very tiring and brings little benefits. So I only choose those related to my play style and ignore others.
  3. Dipomacy is quite easy. Get trade agreements as more as you can. Use non-aggression pact to protect your rear. Military alliances and client states also count toward victory condition so use that.

Total War Rome II, 2013



Total War Rome II UI


进步的地方,也是争议最大的地方,就是议会和内战了。相比于文明,全战的优势是战术,战略层面没什么深度,前中期该点的建筑点好,后期就是平推了(在论坛上学了个新词叫steam roll),不像文明要一直考虑地理布局,以及各种产出的平衡,所以这一代加入了议会系统,要在多个家族间争影响力,同时又不能让别人对你太不满,不然后期很容易国家一分为二从头再来。这样更接近史实,第一次玩还是觉得很新鲜的,不过玩久了发现idea很好,但有很多地方设计师明显没想明白,据说发售后还一直在调整玩法,而且这个系统和全站那种爽快平推的玩法有巨大冲突,全战流程过于长,到了后期玩家实力第一后还有很多地方要占,像我这种玩家就想赶紧结束,毕竟没什么实质挑战了,而这个系统到了后期有种强行给你加难度的感觉,有点harassing。




Cloister, from Latin claustrum, “enclosure”, “an enclosed place”.

It separates the monks and nuns from the outside world of serfs and workmen. Provides a foretaste of Paradise.

This is the seclusion of the spiritual life, the vita comtemplativa.