Tomb Raider, 2013
The Good
- 模仿《神秘海域》,加强射击手感,简化平台跳跃。
- 人物动作丰富,玩起来非常写实非常带感,劳拉的形象再次成为行业经典。
- 接近掩体后自动躲入,推摇杆自动出掩体,面对敌人自动潜行,省掉了大量的按键,操作极其流畅而且没有带来任何问题,这目测是本作首创,很可能将会成为未来掩体TPS的标准,非常创新。
- 场景关卡设计业界一流。
- 不少脚本镜头非常紧张刺激。
The Bad
- 收集要素太多太杂,很多收集品基本上就只是让你菜单里数字+1无存在感,而且散布太广很多不在流程路线上,无数次打断顺畅的游戏,不得不专门跑路拿东西,而且收集无奖励。太刺客信条了。
- 虽然剧情里不少峰会路转险象环生,但荒岛求生故事本身无新意,而且前中期一直神神秘秘的,我还以为有什么惊人阴谋,最后通关才发现原来就是个玄幻故事,太简单了。
- 正派到反派人物性格都极单纯。其他配角都是纯酱油,酱油到不合理。
- 画面一直灰蒙蒙的,和COD4一样。整个游戏感觉充斥了灰蒙蒙的木头桩子和铁皮子大棚,可惜了那么好的场景设计。
- 武器太少,特别是相较于过多的收集和枪械改装,不如收集减半取消改装,用这些功夫多加几把枪。
The Conclusion
We’re on a route uncharted,fire and blood erase our tracks. On we fly,on wings of thunder,never more to sheath our swords.
We’re on a route uncharted,fire and blood erase our tracks.
On we fly,on wings of thunder,never more to sheath our swords.
—Son, by Pavel Antokolsky, 1943
Sometimes, a simple thanks would suffice.
Sometimes, a simple thanks would suffice.
—To a guy who thinks himself smart
The World At War S01E07, 1973
And the history has recorded who fires the first shot.
In the long run however, all that will matter is who fire the last shot.
Der Untergang, 2004
Training Day, 2001
Inside Man, 2006
the 85th annual academy awards 2013
The 85th Annual Academy Awards, 2013
Silver Linings Playbook, 2012
How old are you?
Old enough to have a marriage end and not wind up in a mental hospital.
House of Cards, S01E06
I want you to listen very closely to what I’m about to say. From this moment on, you are a rock. You absorb nothing, you say nothing, and nothing breaks you.
—Hongfei Yu
House of Cards, S01E12
He doesn’t measure his wealth in private jets but purchased souls.
House of Cards, S01
I’m sure she’s speaking half an octave higher. Same voice she had when she was 16. Telling him all about her new job, how much she misses him, and sorry she didn’t send a card. Telling him everything but the truth.
House of Cards, S01E02
You know what I like about people? They stack so well.
Can corporate sellout roll a joint like this?
House of Cards, S01E01
When you don’t involve me we are in free fall.
I never make such big decision so long after sunset and so far from dawn.