Collateral, 2004

Someday? “Someday my dream will come”?

One night you’ll wake up, and you’ll discover it never happened.

It’s all turned around on you. It never will. Suddenly you are old.

Didrt happen.

And it never will, because you were never gonna do it anyway.

You’ll push it into memory, then zone out in your Barcalounger,

being hypnotized by daytime TV for the rest of your life.

Don’t you talk to me about murder.

All it ever took was a down payment on a Lincoln Town Car.

Or that girl, You can’t even call that girl,

What the fuck are you still doing driving a cab?

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, 2011


笑得很帅的是偶像派明星,眉头皱得很帅的是演技派明星,而阿汤哥这样两边都那么帅的… 呵呵。

Taken 2, 2012


Minecraft: The Story of Mojang

Greetings Pirate Bay!

This is 2 Player Productions here, and we hoped we could be the first to upload our new movie “Minecraft: The Story of Mojang”. We’ve never uploaded a torrent before so hopefully this isn’t all screwed up.

We wanted to come here first because we knew the movie would end up here eventually, and the best thing to do seemed to be opening a dialogue. Torrents and piracy are a way of life and it probably won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. There are many people that want to punish you for that, but we have a more realistic outlook on things.

We’ve been there. We’ve all needed to do it at some point. Maybe you don’t have the money. Maybe you want to try before you buy. Maybe you’re pissed at us for premiering the movie on Xbox Live. These are all fine reasons. But if you feel that piracy is, in Gabe Newell’s words, “a service problem,” please consider that we are selling DRM free digital downloads that you can watch in whatever manner you please.

We’re just three guys trying to make a living doing what we love. We love the world of video games, and we love making it real. If you buy the movie, you support those efforts. The reason we Kickstarted this movie in the first place was that we didn’t have enough money to make it ourselves, and even then, we still put A LOT of our own money into it. Not to mention nearly two years of work.

Watch the movie. Hopefully you’ll like it, and understand what we’re trying to do. Please consider supporting us by buying the $8 DRM-free digital download of the movie at, or the $20 DVD from

We’ve worked with a lot of amazing people in the games industry and had the incredible fortune to make some great films the way we wanted to make them. Please consider helping us continue on this path. The best has yet to come.


谍中谍三部曲, 1996/2000/2006

之前zzy去电影院看了谍中谍4后大呼过瘾,我在电脑一看也的确味道十足,标准的大制作,让我只感可惜没去影院看看阿汤哥,原来一直只顾谍影重重文艺,不屑于谍中谍的商业,最近借谍中谍4火之际买了本看电影,其中简单讲了下谍中谍系列,于是这两天顺带看了下前三部,突然发现谍中谍实为可以媲美the rock的商业佳作,不仅部部有亮点,而且每部的剧情都还不难看,都懂得开场卖足噱头,再加上每代都有名演员加盟,谍中谍系列实可不朽。


Fringe, 2008



The Genius of Design 1 Ghosts in the Machine

What is design?

Solve a problem.

What is a product?

You buy a mug for 12 Pounds. That has got a part of Susan, a part of Mark, a part of me.

Buying a product is buying a part of work from another human being.

What does cosumer want?

Same car for every one.

Model T.(Apple?)

A car for every one.


Assassin’s Creed III, 2012


The Bourne Legacy, 2012


绝对是我见过最硬派的开场: 配角都这么有型: 新女主也不错:

Black Ops 2, 2012


