Contagion, 2011
.. between a medical examiner and a newbie doc. They’re doing an autopsy.
Oh, my God.
- You want me to take a sample, or?
I want you to move away from the table. - Should I call someone, or?
Call everyone.
We just need to make sure that nobody knows until everybody knows.
CDC教育片,学了不少关于流行病的事情,来源调查、病毒培养、WHO、对民众的隐瞒以防止恐慌、疫苗的公平分配…震撼不少,特别是可怜的Kate Winslet,马上要为工作而死还能那样冷静。总之是部好片子,不懂为什么豆瓣上只给6分,连warrior却给了8分,两部应该反过来还差不多。