Pictures and vision
Facebook is the world’s largest photo sharing site—that also happens to be a social network and a login system.
…and, oh wow, did you realize they once, long ago, sold ads? Like Nokia’s first business selling rubber boots.
It might be Facebook Camera vs. Project Glass.
看完突然有种奇怪的想法,未来人人都戴Google Glass或者其他什么类似的东西,那么你的视野就很可能会被盗用出去,或许未来人人都会养成习惯不用眼睛直视机密或隐私的东西,因为看它也是有风险的… 当然应该没有这么夸张,毕竟现在笔记本都有摄像头,被偷拍的现象还从未见到。