The Descendants, 2011
Elizabeth’s gonna make it out okay, I know it. It’s not her time yet. She’ll wake up, Scottie and Alexandra will have their mother back, and we’ll take about our marriage. I know I can make things right. I’ll sell the land and quit my practice and buy her whatever she wants, A big boat, a house in France …We’ll take a trip around the world, just two of us. We’ll get close again. Like the early days.
You give your children enough money to do something, but not enough to do nothing.
Lying there on a ventilator and fucking up my life!
这部后人我十分十分喜欢,一部和《非诚勿扰》极像的电影,正如娜塔莉波特曼在奥斯卡上说的“a regular guy under a very irregular circumstances”,一个好故事,中途不断有些外人,有些jerks参合到这个家庭中,让你不断反思做人的成与败,这部片子配乐等极具夏威夷的休闲气息,休闲中却又有一丝悲伤,一丝警醒,和生活很像,生活大部分时间是轻松的,但又一直很艰难。
发现一位美女,Shailene Woodley在片中的重要程度不必乔治低,有缺点也有优点,最后和爸爸一起度过了难关: